Author: admin

The Post-Mortem – The New York Times

The Post-Mortem – The New York Times

speaker 2I’m worried that democracy is being eroded.speaker 3Our Democratic system is under direct threat.speaker 4I think democracy’s — I think it’s much more fragile than I realized.archived recording (joe biden)Well, as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault.archived recording (joe biden)I’m asking our nation to come together, unite behind the single purpose of defending our democracy, regardless of your ideology.kirsten gillibrandAnd everybody who’s listening to this podcast, who cares about these issues, needs to fight harder. I mean, make phone calls. Go door to door. Send resources.archived recording (joe biden)In our bones, we know democracy is at risk. But we also know this. It’s within our power, each and every one of us, to preserve our democracy.archived...
The TikTok bill would complicate ByteDance's investments if passed

The TikTok bill would complicate ByteDance's investments if passed

For years, U.S. investors who backed ByteDance, the Chinese internet company that owns TikTok, have struggled with the complexities of owning a piece of a geopolitically troubled social media app.Now it has become even more complicated.A bill to force ByteDance to sell TikTok is making its way through the Senate after passing the House this month. Questions are growing about whether TikTok's ties to China make it a national security threat. And U.S. investors, including General Atlantic, Susquehanna International Group and Sequoia Capital — who collectively poured billions into ByteDance — are facing growing pressure from state and federal lawmakers to account for their investments in Chinese companies.Last year, a House committee began examining U.S. investments in Chinese companies...
Israel implements extensive facial recognition program in Gaza

Israel implements extensive facial recognition program in Gaza

On November 19, minutes after crossing an Israeli military checkpoint along Gaza's central highway, Palestinian poet Mosab Abu Toha was asked to step out by the crowd. He put down his 3-year-old son, who he was carrying, and sat down in front of a military jeep.Half an hour later, Mr. Abu Toha heard his name called. Then he was blindfolded and taken away for interrogation.“I had no idea what was happening or how they could suddenly know my full legal name,” said the 31-year-old, who added that he had no links to the militant group Hamas and had been trying to leave Gaza for Egypt.Mr. Abu Toha was found to have come within range of cameras equipped with facial recognition technology, according to three Israeli intelligence officials who spoke on condition of anonymity. After his face...
Orcas are considered a species.  Should they be?

Orcas are considered a species. Should they be?

Killer whales are some of the most cosmopolitan creatures on the planet, swimming in all of the world's oceans. They patrol the frigid waters near both poles and periodically appear in the tropics, in locations from West Africa to Hawaii.Although their habitats and habits vary widely, all orcas are considered part of a single global species: Orcinus orca. (Despite their common name, orcas are actually part of a family of marine mammals known as oceanic dolphins.)Now, scientists have drawn on decades of research to suggest that two populations of killer whales often observed off the Pacific coast of the United States and Canada are actually so different from each other – and from other killer whales – that should be considered separate species.In a paper published Tuesday in the journ...
Wednesday Briefing – The New York Times

Wednesday Briefing – The New York Times

The growing divide between Israel and the United StatesRelations between Israel and the US appear to have sunk to a new low after the US allowed the UN Security Council to pass a ceasefire resolution in Gaza – and domestic political pressures in both nations they are increasing the tension.President Biden faces outrage from global allies and his political supporters over the civilian death toll in the war against Hamas and over Israeli restrictions on aid entering Gaza.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces harsh criticism from his far-right coalition partners, whom he needs to maintain his government, for any hesitation in war against Hamas or expanding Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. One of these partners recently accused Biden of tacitly supporting Israel's ...
Do Democrats Have a Problem With Falling Support From Black Voters?

Do Democrats Have a Problem With Falling Support From Black Voters?

speaker 1Hey!astead herndonMom, this is Alisa. This is Anna.speaker 2Hi.astead herndonThey’re our producers on “The Run-Up.”speaker 1Hi.astead herndonAnd we’re so excited —speaker 1So nice to meet you. Come on in.speaker 2Hi. Thank you so much.astead herndonWhat’s the food?speaker 1Well, the food is turkey. We have smothered chicken, which is a traditional kind of a thing, smothered chicken with mashed potatoes.speaker 1And we also have a beef roast.speaker 2Low key. Very low key.speaker 3Yeah, yeah, just a little something slight, just a little turkey.speaker 4Now I could take the pound cake, and the ginger molasses I’m curious about.speaker 5You have your eye on that?speaker 4Yeah.speaker 6Let’s pray for the food. Lord, we thank —speaker 6Thank you, Lord, for Astead, “The Run-Up.” Thank ...
The United States against the iPhone

The United States against the iPhone

Last week, the Justice Department took aim at Apple, accusing it of violating competition laws with practices intended to keep customers addicted to their iPhones.David McCabe, who covers technology policy for the Times, discusses the latest and largest antimonopoly case against a Silicon Valley titan.Guest: David McCabe, who covers technology policy for the New York Times.Basic reading: The lawsuit caps years of regulatory scrutiny of Apple's suite of devices and services.Read the top five US cases targeting Big Tech.For more on today's episode, visit Transcripts for each episode will be made available by the next business day.
The US is all up in arms over online sports betting and the UK's iGaming operator

The US is all up in arms over online sports betting and the UK's iGaming operator

Flutter Entertainment's growth was led by its US operations which saw revenue increase by 55.6{8780be08f1a67b4bc220f8eeb4c20364dbe4fa195e9f9c0f0235f3fd5002a648}. Bank of America names it the top pick while Goldman Sachs expects profits to double by 2026. ANNOUNCEMENTThe world's leading online sports betting and iGaming operator, Flutter Entertainment, has revealed its financial results for the fiscal year ending December 31, reporting a 24.6{8780be08f1a67b4bc220f8eeb4c20364dbe4fa195e9f9c0f0235f3fd5002a648} increase in global revenue and a 20.3{8780be08f1a67b4bc220f8eeb4c20364dbe4fa195e9f9c0f0235f3fd5002a648} increase in average monthly players. The US market, in particular, stands out as a powerhouse for Flutter, showing revenue growth of 5...
Here's how to outsmart fake news in your Facebook feed

Here's how to outsmart fake news in your Facebook feed

CNN — Just because it's on the internet doesn't make it true. It seems so simple, but if everyone knew, Facebook and Google wouldn't need to remove fake news sites from their advertising algorithms and people wouldn't breathlessly share stories claiming that Donald Trump is a secret lizard or that Hillary Clinton is an android . in a trouser suit. It doesn't have to be this way. Fake news is actually really easy to spot – if you know how. Consider it your guide to new media literacy. NOTE: As we put this together, we asked for input from two communications experts: Dr. ...