Author: admin

China's Xi visits Europe, seeking strategic opportunities

China's Xi visits Europe, seeking strategic opportunities

During his first visit to Europe in five years, Chinese President Xi Jinping appears intent on seizing opportunities to loosen the continent's ties with the United States and forge a world free from American rule.The Chinese leader has chosen three countries to visit – France, Serbia and Hungary – which each, to a greater or lesser extent, view the post-war American order of the world with suspicion, see China as a necessary counterweight and are eager to strengthen economic ties.At a time of tensions with much of Europe – over China's "unrestrained" embrace of Russia despite the war in Ukraine, its surveillance state and its apparent espionage activities that led to the recent arrest in Germany of four people – Xi, who will arrive in France on Sunday, wants to demonstrate China...
Parts of Gaza in 'full-blown famine,' says UN humanitarian official

Parts of Gaza in 'full-blown famine,' says UN humanitarian official

The World Food Program leader said parts of the Gaza Strip are experiencing a "full-blown famine" that is spreading across the territory after nearly seven months of war that have made aid delivery extremely difficult."There's a famine - a full-blown famine in the north, and it's moving south," Cindy McCain, the program's director, said in excerpts released late Friday from an interview with "Meet The Press." Ms. McCain is the second high-profile American leading a U.S. government or United Nations aid project to say there is famine in northern Gaza, although her remarks do not constitute an official statement, which is a process complex bureaucratic.He did not explain why an official declaration of famine had not been made. But she said her assessment was “based on what we sa...
Growing racial disparities are driving the rise in childhood deaths in the United States

Growing racial disparities are driving the rise in childhood deaths in the United States

Some context: A scary trend examined more closely.Researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University and Children's Hospital in Richmond previously revealed that death rates among children and adolescents increased 18% between 2019 and 2021. Injury-related deaths grew so dramatically that they eclipsed all improvements in terms of public health.The team, seeking to delve deeper into this troubling trend, obtained death certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's public WONDER database and stratified it by race, ethnicity, and cause for children aged 1 and 19 years old. They found that Black and American Indian/Alaska Native children were not only dying at significantly higher rates than white children, but the disparities – which had been improving through ...
The charges against Cuellar reveal Azerbaijan's attempts to influence

The charges against Cuellar reveal Azerbaijan's attempts to influence

As tensions flared over disputed territory in the Caucasus region in the summer of 2020, Azerbaijan's squadron of high-priced Washington lobbyists was quick to pin the blame on neighboring Armenia and highlight its ties to Russia.Unbeknownst to members of Congress, Azerbaijan had an inside man who was working closely with the Azerbaijani ambassador in Washington at the time on a parallel line of attack, according to text messages released by federal prosecutors.Rep. Henry Cuellar, a Texas Democrat now accused of accepting bribes and acting as a foreign agent in a years-long scheme, indicated in a text that he planned a legislative maneuver to try to deprive Armenia of funding because it hosted bases Russian military.The Azerbaijani ambassador responded enthusiastically.“Your amendment ...
Il percorso del CEO di TikTok Shou Chew da Quiet Tech Exec al Met Gala Red Carpet

Il percorso del CEO di TikTok Shou Chew da Quiet Tech Exec al Met Gala Red Carpet

Sebbene il Met Gala serva come evento di branding per Vogue, accetta da tempo sponsorizzazioni da parte dei giganti della tecnologia che hanno minacciato la sopravvivenza stessa delle pubblicazioni dei media legacy.Jeff Bezos, il fondatore di Amazon, è apparso come presidente onorario del ballo nel 2012. Quattro anni dopo, quando Apple era sponsor del Met Gala, il suo amministratore delegato, Tim Cook, si è presentato in smoking e frac. E Instagram ha fornito denaro nel 2022.L’evento del 2024 è sponsorizzato, in parte, da TikTok, il colosso dei social media il cui futuro sembra più oscuro di quello di Condé Nast, l’editore di Vogue, The New Yorker e altre riviste, che ha licenziato dipendenti e chiuso o venduto alcuni dei suoi dipendenti. sue pubblicazioni negli ultimi anni.TikTok si è tr...
Israele, Gaza e la legge sulla fame in guerra

Israele, Gaza e la legge sulla fame in guerra

Il 19 marzo Volker Türk, responsabile dei diritti umani delle Nazioni Unite, ha affermato in una dichiarazione ufficiale che le politiche di Israele in materia di aiuti a Gaza potrebbero costituire un crimine di guerra."La portata delle continue restrizioni israeliane sull'ingresso di aiuti a Gaza, insieme al modo in cui continua a condurre le ostilità, possono equivalere all'uso della fame come metodo di guerra, il che è un crimine di guerra", ha scritto.I suoi commenti hanno fatto scalpore. Usare la fame dei civili come arma è una grave violazione del diritto internazionale umanitario e un crimine di guerra ai sensi dello Statuto di Roma, del trattato della Corte penale internazionale o della CPI.Funzionari israeliani e stranieri hanno dichiarato al New York Times la scorsa sett...
Thousands of people believe Covid vaccines have harmed them.  Is anyone listening?

Thousands of people believe Covid vaccines have harmed them. Is anyone listening?

Even leading experts in vaccine science have been met with disbelief and ambivalence.Dr. Gregory Polonia, 68, editor in chief of the journal Vaccine, said a loud hissing in his ears has accompanied every moment since his first shot, but that his pleas to colleagues at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention diseases of exploring the problem phenomenon, tinnitus, had led nowhere.He received polite responses to his numerous emails, but "I have no sense of movement," he said.“If they have done studies, those studies should be published,” Dr. Polonia added. In desperation to "never hear silence again", he sought solace in meditation and his religious faith. Dr. Buddy Creech, 50, who has led several Covid vaccine studies at Vanderbilt University, said his tinnitus and rapid heartbeat la...
Rishi Sunak's sad task: to lead the British Conservatives towards probable defeat

Rishi Sunak's sad task: to lead the British Conservatives towards probable defeat

Just days before Britain's Conservative Party suffered a major setback in Thursday's local elections, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recorded a short video to promote some good news from his government. In the eight-second clipMr Sunak poured milk from a pint bottle into a tall glass, filled with a dark, steaming drink and bearing the scribbled figure of 900 pounds on the side.“Payday is coming,” Sunak wrote, referring to the savings an average wage earner would presumably get from a cut in mandatory contributions to Britain's national insurance system.Soon the mockery began. She had added too much milk, some said. His numbers didn't add up, others said. And why, one critic asked, would Sunak choose a pint bottle as a prop just days after the deputy leader of the opposition...
Tesla Pullback puts the burden of building EV chargers on others

Tesla Pullback puts the burden of building EV chargers on others

Elon Musk, Tesla's chief executive, caught competitors, suppliers and his own employees by surprise this week by reversing course on his aggressive push to build electric vehicle chargers in the United States, a top priority of the Biden administration.Musk's decision to fire the 500-member team responsible for installing charging stations and dramatically slow investment in new stations rattled the industry and raised questions about whether the number of public chargers would grow fast enough to keep the pace with sales of battery-powered cars. He has put the onus on other charging companies, raising doubts about their ability to build fast enough to address a shortage that appears to be discouraging some people from buying electric cars.As the owner of the largest charging netw...