Do Democrats Have a Problem With Falling Support From Black Voters?
speaker 1Hey!astead herndonMom, this is Alisa. This is Anna.speaker 2Hi.astead herndonThey’re our producers on “The Run-Up.”speaker 1Hi.astead herndonAnd we’re so excited —speaker 1So nice to meet you. Come on in.speaker 2Hi. Thank you so much.astead herndonWhat’s the food?speaker 1Well, the food is turkey. We have smothered chicken, which is a traditional kind of a thing, smothered chicken with mashed potatoes.speaker 1And we also have a beef roast.speaker 2Low key. Very low key.speaker 3Yeah, yeah, just a little something slight, just a little turkey.speaker 4Now I could take the pound cake, and the ginger molasses I’m curious about.speaker 5You have your eye on that?speaker 4Yeah.speaker 6Let’s pray for the food. Lord, we thank —speaker 6Thank you, Lord, for Astead, “The Run-Up.” Thank ...