
Tell us: Has Elon Musk's behavior affected how you view Tesla?

Tell us: Has Elon Musk's behavior affected how you view Tesla?

Endorsing an anti-Semitic post on X. Suspending Starlink satellite internet service from Ukraine to prevent a drone attack on Russian forces. Reposting conspiracy theorists who argue that the Biden administration's immigration policies are part of a plot to increase the number of people who vote Democratic.Elon Musk's behavior and public statements have clearly offended many people, especially left-leaning consumers who are more likely to purchase an electric vehicle.As a business journalist covering Tesla, the company where Musk is CEO, I'm exploring the extent to which his public persona is damaging the company's brand and hurting sales. Or, as Musk insisted, do people choose the best car regardless of what the CEO says and does?If you own a Tesla, are thinking about bu...
Iran's retaliation will likely be limited, but mistakes could lead to war, experts say

Iran's retaliation will likely be limited, but mistakes could lead to war, experts say

Israeli forces were on high alert Friday in anticipation of a retaliatory attack by Iran or its proxies, which analysts and officials warned could spur an Israeli reaction and potentially spark a broader conflict in the region.Iran is expected to launch an attack as early as this weekend in retaliation for an April 1 airstrike in which warplanes struck an Iranian embassy building in Damascus, killing three generals and other commanders, officials said Friday Americans and Iranians.Military analysts have said that neither Israel nor Iran appear interested in provoking a full-blown war involving the United States, but that a miscalculation on either side's red lines could result in an escalation of hostilities.An Iranian response was inevitable given the high profile of one of the genera...
A Texas surgeon is accused of secretly denying liver transplants

A Texas surgeon is accused of secretly denying liver transplants

For decades, Dr. J. Steve Bynon Jr., a transplant surgeon in Texas, has won national recognition and fame for his work, including helping to enforce professional standards in the country's vast organ transplant system.But officials are now investigating allegations that Dr. Bynon was secretly manipulating a government database to make some of his patients ineligible to receive new livers, potentially depriving them of life-saving treatment.Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center in Houston, where Dr. Bynon oversaw both liver and kidney transplant programs, abruptly ended those programs last week while it investigated the allegations.On Thursday, the medical center, a teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Texas, said in a statement that a doctor in its liver transplant progr...
War or no war, Ukrainians don't give up coffee

War or no war, Ukrainians don't give up coffee

When Russian tanks first entered Ukraine more than two years ago, Artem Vradii was sure his business would suffer.“Who would think of coffee in this situation?” thought Mr. Vradii, co-founder of a coffee roaster in Kiev called Mad Heads. “Nobody would care.”But in the days after the invasion began, he began receiving messages from Ukrainian soldiers. One asked for bags of ground coffee because he couldn't stand the army-issued energy drinks. Another simply asked for some beans: he had brought his grinder to the front.“I was really shocked,” Vradii said in a recent interview at his roastery, a 40-foot-tall brick building humming with the sound of ground coffee and filled with the smell of freshly ground beans. “Despite the war, people still thought about coffee. They could leave t...
Despite the secrecy of the watch world, data services are expanding

Despite the secrecy of the watch world, data services are expanding

Unlike the consumer goods, beverage or retail sectors, the note continues, there are no large consultancies publishing market share data in the Swiss watch industry. “This is due to the impracticality of conducting such investigations and the discreet nature of the Swiss watch industry,” he said.Perhaps no brand is more discreet and influential than Rolex, which continues to dominate the market. According to Morgan Stanley's seventh annual report, published in February, Rolex's share is said to have grown - to 30.3% - on the strength of its sales in 2023, estimated to have exceeded 10 billion Swiss francs.However, since the company is said to prohibit its authorized retailers from sharing point-of-sale data with third parties, Luxury Watch Barometer's monthly reports do not i...
The United States sends a general to Israel fearing Iranian attacks

The United States sends a general to Israel fearing Iranian attacks

The United States sent its top Middle East military commander to Israel on Thursday, after President Biden said that despite recent friction, American support for Israel "is ironclad" in the event of an attack by Iran .Iranian leaders have repeatedly vowed to punish Israel for the April 1 attack in Syria that killed several top Iranian commanders. Israel has put its military on alert, and Biden said on Wednesday that Iran was threatening a “significant” attack.General Michael E. Kurilla, the American commander, will coordinate with Israel on what is expected to be an imminent retaliatory action by Iran and will also discuss the war against Hamas in Gaza and humanitarian aid operations in the area, according to officials who spoke at the debate. condition of anonymity given the sensitivit...
24 hours in a makeshift migrant shelter in the California wilderness

24 hours in a makeshift migrant shelter in the California wilderness

It was 1:53 a.m. and Peter Fink stood on a barren plateau near Campo, California, handing out blankets to people from four continents who had arrived there under the cover of night.It was a nightly ritual for the 22-year-old, dressed in a baseball cap and wool shirt, whose perch - just over 300 meters up a rocky slope from the US-Mexico border wall - had become a ride around the world. boarding space for people who have entered US soil illegally.With the armed National Guard of Mexico Now stationed at the most popular crossing points along southeastern San Diego County, migrant routes have moved further into remote wilderness, where people face more extreme terrain and temperatures with little to no infrastructure to keep them alive.For migrants who wanted to be apprehended by U.S. Borde...
In ancient Pompeii, the dining room with fresco and Trojan decorations offers new insights

In ancient Pompeii, the dining room with fresco and Trojan decorations offers new insights

Archaeologists working at the ancient site of Pompeii unveiled their latest discovery Thursday: a formal dining room that offers a glimpse into how some of the wealthier inhabitants lived, or at least the art they could ponder as they munched.Painted dark black so that soot from candle smoke doesn't stain them, experts say, the walls are divided into panels. Many of them are decorated with couples associated with the Trojan War.The dining room is part of an insula, the equivalent of a city block, excavated as part of a project to consolidate the perimeter between the excavated and unexcavated areas of the city, part of which remains underground. The project will help better preserve the site.“People met for dinner after dark; the flickering light of the lamps had the effect of makin...
Apple lifts some restrictions on iPhone repairs

Apple lifts some restrictions on iPhone repairs

Apple on Thursday said it would ease limits on repairing new iPhones with used parts such as screens, batteries and cameras, a reversal from its previous practice of using software to encourage people to work with new, more expensive parts approved by Apple.The change comes weeks after Oregon passed a law banning Apple's practice of attaching parts to software, known as "part matching." Similar bills are under consideration in Colorado and more than a dozen other states. Apple had opposed Oregon's legislation before its passage, saying customers could be left vulnerable to safety risks if Apple was forced to allow lower-priced parts made by third-party suppliers.In the past, if an iPhone owner broke a part, such as a screen, and installed an original, used Apple screen purchased ...
Here's what to know about the hunger crisis in Gaza

Here's what to know about the hunger crisis in Gaza

Since 2004, when the system was established, two famines, according to this definition, have occurred. In 2011, the IPC declared famine in parts of Somalia, which had endured decades of conflict. Years of drought have destroyed the agricultural sector and the economy, forcing many people to leave their homes in search of food. At the same time, a group of Islamic rebels blocked the escape of starving people and forced Western humanitarian organizations to abandon them. In all, around 250,000 people died.Six years later, famine was declared in parts of South Sudan. The country had suffered years of drought, but the UN said the famine was man-made. Millions of people had fled a civil war that was destroying the country's economy, and rebel forces and government soldiers had blocked...