Mark Zuckerberg spent all 2024 telling investors that artificial intelligence would be the key to the future of his company, destination. In 2025, he planned to put his money where his mouth is.
On Friday, Mr. Zuckerberg said that the company expected his capital expenses in 2025 to arrive at around $ 60 at $ 65 billion, a great increase compared to the metal of approximately $ 38 to $ 40 billion spent in 2024.
Much of this amount will go to the construction and expand of the data centers, the natural size buildings that provide the calculation power that feeds the products and algorithms of Ai di Meta among its apps, which include Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.
“This is a huge effort, and in the coming years he will guide our main products and business, will unlock historical innovation and extend American technological leadership,” Zuckerberg said in a post on his Facebook page.
He observed that the company also expected to own over 1.3 million graphic processing units, or GPU, by the end of the year. A GPU is a type of computer chip that excels in the type of calculation power required for AI systems. Since the apps and products fed by artificial intelligence have become more popular in recent years, there is a GPU deficiency throughout the sector, with large technological companies and small tenders to buy as many as possible from companies such as Nvidia.
And despite many layoffs and cuts to the company’s workforce in the last three years, Zuckerberg has declared that he has planned to continue taking “significantly” to grow teams responsible for work on AI and related products.
The price of Meta shares increased by about 1.7 percent Friday.
The technological giants of Silicon Valley are blocked in a race for infrastructure armaments, while they compete to build the future of artificial intelligence. Google, Microsoft and Amazon all allocated billions of dollars for data centers and infrastructure projects and have not reported any slowdown in expenses for the near future.
Tuesday, President Trump announced a joint venture between Openi, Softbank and Oracle called Stargate, who aims to invest at least $ 100 billion in the US data centers. The group behind the project declared that it could invest up to half a trillion of dollars in Stargate in the next four years. Elon Musk, who manages an artificial intelligence start-up in competition, later questioned that figure.
Since Trump was elected in November, Mr. Zuckerberg has tried to repair their long relationship. Mr. Zuckerberg has traveled several times at the Mar-A-Lago resort of Mr. Trump, gave and participated in his inauguration and loose the restrictions on the speech through the Meta apps, a problem on which the conservatives have set for years.
Trump promised to accelerate the production of American manufacture Ai to compete against China for global leadership in technology. Thursday, he signed an executive order aimed at “removing” barriers “to the development of AI in the United States.
The announcement of the destination of Friday could be seen as “an answer to Stargate’s announcement at the beginning of this week to remind investors its position as leader in AI”, wrote the analysts of RBC Capital Markets in a note of research. Meta should report his latest earnings next week, when details such as capital expenditure plans are generally announced to investors.
Meta has long reported his intentions to invest heavily in data centers. The company has undergone a renovation of $ 4.3 billion in 2023 after deciding to redesign many of its future data center projects to prepare for artificial intelligence projects. He expanded the imprint of the dozen data center of places around the world, from Odense, Denmark to Huntsville, Ala.
Zuckerberg said he intends to continue to spend heavily on the infrastructure to support what he believes will be the future of information technology, fueled by chatbots Ai and other programs.
This also includes Llama, the technology to the Open Source of Meta that can be freely downloaded by independent software developers to power your AI apps.
Last year, Meta announced that he would build his latest data center in the parish of Richland, the company said that the building would cross more than four million square feet, an area so large that Mr. Zuckerberg He said “would cover a significant part of Manhattan.”
“Let’s go to build!” He wrote on his Facebook page and added an EMOJI for the flexible muscle.